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Protecting South Florida Scooter Riders On The Move

Scooters are a fun and convenient way to get around town, but they can also be dangerous, especially when riders are sharing the road with larger vehicles. If you’ve been injured in a scooter accident, then you’re likely facing medical bills and lost wages and wondering what to do next. At 24/7 Injury Law, we understand the unique challenges that scooter riders face in Boynton Beach. We are knowledgeable attorneys who have decades of combined experience helping injured scooter riders throughout Palm Beach, Broward and Martin counties as well as across Florida.

Common Scooter Accident Scenarios

Scooter accidents can happen anywhere, but they’re most common in busy intersections and areas with heavy traffic. Here are some typical scenarios:

  • Left-turn accidents: Car drivers often fail to see or misjudge the distance of a scooter when turning left.
  • Dooring accidents: A car door opens unexpectedly into the path of a scooter rider.
  • Rear-end collisions: Careless or distracted drivers often hit scooter riders from behind.

While we can’t control the actions of other drivers, there are steps that scooter riders can take to stay safe:

  • Always wear a helmet: A helmet is your best defense against a head injury in an accident.
  • Be visible: Wear bright clothing and reflective gear, especially at night.
  • Ride defensively: Assume other drivers don’t see you and avoid weaving in and out of traffic.
  • Follow the rules of the road: Obey traffic signals and ride with the flow of traffic.

The aftermath of a scooter accident can be stressful. Dealing with insurance companies, medical bills and lost wages can feel overwhelming. That’s where we come in. We are skilled lawyers who will handle all the legal aspects of these and other auto accident cases while you focus on healing.

Personalized Attention Makes A Difference

We believe in providing personalized attention. Carlos Jimenez, our managing attorney, meets with every client to understand the specifics of their accident and injuries. He’ll develop a customized legal strategy to fight for the compensation you deserve. We’ll work tirelessly to recover damages for your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and damaged property.

We aim to help you recover physically, emotionally and financially after a scooter accident. We understand the long-term impact that these accidents can have on your life, and we’ll be by your side every step of the way.

We’re Here For You

If you’ve been injured in a scooter accident, contact us at 24/7 Injury Law today in Boynton Beach. We offer free consultations to discuss your case and answer your questions. Call us at 561-593-8249 or visit our contact page to schedule an appointment. We’ll fight tirelessly to get you the justice and compensation you deserve so that you can move forward after your accident.